Feb 2021 – Okt 2022: Senior Bestuursadviseur herstel kinderopvangtoeslag (a.i.)
Dec 2019 – Feb 2021: Brussel
Sep 2019 – Nov 2019: Rabobank Group – Associate Export Finance
Sep 2017 – Aug 2019: Ministerie van Financiën – Beleidsmedewerker Exportkredietverzekeringen
Sep 2016 – Aug 2017: Dutch Ministry of Finance – Financial Trainee

Feb 2012 – Jul 2012: Ernst & Young – Afstudeerstage (voltijd)
Sep 2011 – Jan 2012: Ernst & Young Frankfurt am Main – Stage (voltijd)

Sep 2014 – Jan 2016: Master of Science – International & European Governance (Leiden University)
Sep 2012 – Jan 2014: Pre-master – International Business Administration (Erasmus University – Rotterdam)
Sep 2010 – Dec 2010: Studie buitenland – Negocios Internacionales (Escuela Bancaría y Commercial Mexico City, Mexico)
Sep 2009 – Jul 2012: Bachelor – International Business and Languages (Hogeschool Rotterdam)

Jan 2020 – Dec 2020: Intensive French Course (level B1)
Feb – Juli 2019: Corporate Finance – NIVE Opleidingen